Organisation and team

Our Team

Do you have questions about the projects supported by KU[N]ST Leuven or are you interested in joining the team as a job student or trainee? Then certainly get in touch!


Lien De Keukelaere

General coordinator
Kunst dsc 9834marco mertens

Nanou Catry

Education Officer
Kunst dsc 9733marco mertens

Lucie Rullaud

Communication Officer
Summit of lov jw web res 171

Georgy Chtchevaev


Board of Trustees

KU[N]ST Leuven is represented by several members nominated by the city of Leuven and KU Leuven.

Bert Cornillie


Bart Raymaekers


Piet Forger

Kristien Jacobs

Els Buelens

Mieke Wellens

Bert Demarsin

Geert Bouckaert

Jan Van der Stock

Gert Meyers

Marleen Demuynck

Dirk Witters

Geert Vanpaemel


Peter Bary

Alexandra Meijer